Happy Birthday, MW!

I can't believe it's been a year since I first started this blog! Mascara Warrior has been my first big blogging project, but it's never truly been a chore at all. Writing is a creative outlet I adore, as are makeup and lifestyle things, so combining these passions of mine together was one of the best decisions I've ever made. 
In this past year, I've astounded myself at my ability to create useful DIY projects that I'm proud of, improve my blog photography, improve my confidence in my work (guess who doesn't keep her blog a secret anymore and actually asks her real-life friends to read it?), as well as having a top-hitting post on google that I still get hundreds of views a week from. 

My writing style has matured, as have I. A lot has happened to me personally over the past year, and I just want to give a shout out to my family and friends for sticking around when things get tough. I couldn't be a luckier girl!

And, thank you, all two of my regular readers, for sticking with me brought my inconsistent posting schedule and weeks of uninspired content. Despite all the shortcomings, it's been a really fun year writing about things that I'm so passionate about. Here's to another successful year!


1 comment:

  1. Has it been a year already? I like the changes you've made -quite user friendly now. I like the tabs on top-very easy to navigate your little website. Plenty of eye candy too!


Mascara Warrior. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.