Save your beyond-stained makeup brushes with this simple trick.

I have a love/hate relationship with white-bristled makeup brushes. They are so pretty sitting in a cup on the vanity, calling out to be picked up and loved... or, even better, a quick stroke on the skin because they are so pleasantly fluffy.

However, they can be a little annoying to own, especially when the brushes in question are so well-loved. Duo-fibre, white-tipped, or all-white hairs on makeup brushes get stained so easily, even if you wash them hundreds of times. Isn't there a way to make them look all pretty, clean, and new again?

Yes. Yes, there is.

Graduation Thoughts

This is a picture of me that was taken just a few days ago. I was sitting near the stage in a crowded arena with roughly 8,000 people in it. I look pretty calm, but boy, was I terrified.

Shopping online? Here are 10 secrets to help you save money.

Shopping online is a gift to the world. It's useful for when you don't have the time, transportation, or desire to leave the house in order to make a shopping trip. From groceries to cosmetics to clothing, you can buy anything online these days. 

I've done my fair share of online shopping. I've even picked up a few things along the way. Keep these tips in mind the next time you shop on line:

Closet Warfare: My Top 7 Wardrobe Pieces [New tag!]

I've been in a bit of a blogging rut lately. Whenever I'm feeling uninspired and otherwise down in the dumps, I like to change into my favorite clothes to cheer myself up. Then, I got an idea...

Happy Birthday, MW!

I can't believe it's been a year since I first started this blog! Mascara Warrior has been my first big blogging project, but it's never truly been a chore at all. Writing is a creative outlet I adore, as are makeup and lifestyle things, so combining these passions of mine together was one of the best decisions I've ever made. 

My favorite Pinterest boards!

I've got a problem, and her name is Pinterest. Whenever there's real work to be done like working on my resume, writing a research paper, or trying to write a blog post (guilty), there she is, looming on the horizon like the time-killer you know you'll end up succumbing to. You know there's no way you'll ever slay her completely: you've cultivated too many recipes to try, DIYs you'll never do, and fashion pieces that you can never even hope of owning. But, the real question is... Why would you ever want to give her up? She makes you feel fancier than you already are. (Or, if it makes you feel any better, you could totally give it up anytime you wanted to. The first step is to stop referring to a website as a "she.")

Mascara Warrior. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.