How I Write My Blog Posts

Blogging has always been a fun activity for me. I love to read blogging tips, brainstorm new ideas, and tweak the way I do things in order to improve the overall experience on this blog. Not only has my blog evolved content-wise since it began in May 2013, but the way that I blog has evolved as well. As I've done once before, I like to document what I do around here for my own records and for you all to gain some insight into my blogging process. Here's what currently works for me.

Brainstorm. I like to keep a running list of ideas for blog post topics written down on paper, so when I'm looking for something new to write about I always a few good ideas on hand. I tend to come up with my best post ideas late in the evening, then I save the writing and editing for another time.

Determine the fit. I've been picky with my blog posts lately. I'm dedicated to making this space the best it can be, and I believe that it all starts with quality content. Once I've settled on a topic from the list mentioned above, I make sure that it fits certain criteria: my blog posts must be authentic, helpful, and relatable to my audience. I actually keep these criteria written down to see at the top of my document when I'm typing up a post to make sure it's still a good fit.

My digital workspace.

Outline. I can't dive headfirst into a blog post without having a plan first. I've found that jotting down an outline is the easiest way for me to quickly get all of my ideas down. From there, I can rearrange the order, squeeze in any other points I want to make, and keep a list of other posts I want to link to within it.

Write. Most of the time I like to write my posts on paper because it minimizes distraction hen I'm done, I read it over once and type it into a blank document on Notepad, my favorite lightweight and distraction-free text editor, making revisions as I go.

Create a graphic. I will sometimes use Photoshop to edit a photo, but I primarily use Paint.NET to create my graphics. I like it because it doesn't take long to load on my computer and allows me to quickly create an image to accompany the blog post I'm working on. I also like to make a smaller version of the image to share on social media. (Psssst if you're not following me on Facebook and Twitter you're definitely missing out.)

Upload and organize. I'm not quite happy with the image quality when uploading through Blogger (which is just another reason why I'm looking to self-host this year), so I upload the graphic on Imgur. I'll then add the photo to a new blog post, paste in my revised text, and tweak the formatting.

Publish and share! After hitting the publish putton, I like to share my post on Facebook and Twitter first. I then add it to Pinterest and Tumblr, which is still pretty new to me from a blogging perspective, but I'll have it figured out in no time.


Hopefully having some insight into my blogging process will be helpful for you to streamline yours. (Or, if you're not blogging already, to inspire you to get started!)

Now it's your turn! How do you write your blog posts?

If you'd like to share, feel free to use one of these buttons!

EDIT: After a little digging, I found out that this wallpaper I've had saved on my computer for years was actually ripped from a design called Blooming by T.J. Zhang! If you love it as much as I do, please support the original artist.

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